Monday, March 7, 2011

Drawing hands and feet...

It as occurred to me that my blog here, the frustrated artist, needs more art related musings. In the spirit of this theme, I will talk about how difficult it is to draw hands and feet... realistically and provide some demonstrations. A sort of "hand and foot" clinic.

You few blog followers, if ever a chance to see a drawing or painting in which the human form is depicted as the subject, pay attention to the way the hands and or feet (if bare) had been rendered. Does it look convincing or maybe just slap-dashed over in the hopes that you the viewer would not notice. I notice and wonder why is it so difficult for some people to draw or paint these features convincingly. A portrait for instance can have a wonderfully rendered face, but if the hands are off, it is something that dulls the shine off of it. Perhaps I am a bit too critical.

Far be it for me to criticize, because it is hard for me to draw hands and feet. It is a down right struggle to do so. I feel that just like the face, hands and feet can be expressive and add that oompf to a well drafted figure, especially if it is of dancers.

In the next few blogs, I will attempt to de-construct hands and feet by drawing examples and posting them. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get images into this blog. :-)


  1. Glad to read your blog. Re: hands and feet.. I can't remember the method but you don't look down as you move your pencil on the paper. What do you call that?

  2. I believe the method is called "sight drawing." It is when you have your eye guide your pencil through the feeling of where the hand is relative to the position you started drawing. That was a long run-on sentence.

